We aim to provide financial support to individuals living without both arms or more. Specifically opportunities that allow for socializing, sharing tips and building lasting, supportive friendships within the limb loss/limb different community. Funding requests can range anywhere from $50-$1000USD. Click here for information.

We offer peer support in various forms. It might be an initial introduction by zoom with an individual or a group followed by email or text exchange. It could also be an email with links to helpful resources. Whether it is for limb loss/limb different individuals or their family members, we want to help get you connected with our amazing ESFL community.

Hear from a few scholarship recipients how donations have impacted their lives. Since 2002, we have held six in person SFL workshops and 1 virtual workshop during covid. We have raised over $100,000 in scholarship money and have been able to provide assistance to over 100 individuals to attend SFL workshops. Read just a few of their testimonials.

In addition to this website and our in person triennial workshop, we also have a carefully vetted private group on Facebook, a YouTube Channel, and an email subscription. We also offer Resources catering to those living without both arms or all four limbs. Let us know what you would like to see.